Born in Quantico, Virginia, the son of a Marine Corp Captain, Scott’s childhood began the same year Col. John Glenn, also a Marine, orbited the earth for the first time. After his father’s discharge from the Marine Corp, Scott grew up in the Midwest, primarily in Iowa, where he attended and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in Education & History. Following that Scott attended Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas where he received his Master of Divinity Degree in Theology & Missiology. During his sojourn in Texas and subsequently, Scott learned church planting, helping to successfully assist and lead in the birth of three new churches. Scott and Amy were married in 1993 and now have four adult children. Prior to marrying Scott, Amy served on the staff of CRU in Minnesota and California for nearly 10 years.
Scott has been actively involved in ministry as a leader and elder for many years. He has utilized his expertise in finance to mobilize and execute Christian business incubators in more than 20 countries, including former Soviet bloc countries, the Ukraine, Laos, Nepal, Mongolia, and even Iraq. While working as a ruling elder here in Lake Placid, Florida he has also served on our international mission board, World Witness, lending his financial expertise and missions experience to help our missionaries have effective ministry around the world. And he has also been part of our Florida presbytery work, serving on the church extension committee to renew and plant new churches throughout Florida and beyond
Scott and Amy have been a key provisional elder couple in the beginning stages of the new Iglesia En Movimento (Church of the Move – ARP) in Lake Placid, FL with Rev. Tim and Barbara Sewell. It was this latest church planting experience that began to prompt them to consider whether the Lord was calling them to be church planters again, only this time as a full-time calling. During the year+ of Covid-19 the Lord has confirmed His calling to them.
In June of 2021 the Smith’s sold their home in Florida and moved to St. Cloud, Minnesota to start Faithful City Church full-time in as an extension of the work of the Florida Presbytery.