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Strengthening Churches

When Did You Last Assess the Health of Your Congregation?

Healthy Churches Produce Disciples and Leaders

If local churches exist long enough, they will inevitably go through different seasons of vitality. Sometimes the church will be more vital than others. There will be seasons when God’s presence and the fruit of the gospel are very evident. There may also be times of decline when there is concern for the ongoing vitality of the church. These seasons are simply the ebb and flow of life.

Surviving Church

Inward focus •  Aging congregation •  Program-driven •  No clear biblical vision, mission, core values, strategy, or measures •  Maintenance ministry •  Preservation mindset •  Caution •  Lack of faith • Leaders afraid to lead

Reviving Church

Outward focus  •  Kingdom prayer (Lord’s Prayer as model) •  Leadership team developing a clear and compelling biblical vision, mission, core values, strategy and measures  •  Repentance •  Faith in what God can do •  Moving from program to personal ministry • Leaders lead and take faith risks

Thriving Church

Outwardly focused  •  Gospel-centered  •  Dependent on prayer  •  Vibrant worship and preaching  •  Passion for unbelievers and our neighbors  •  Conversions  •  Personal ministry (not program-driven)  •  Clear and compelling biblical vision, mission, core  •  Values, strategy, and measures  •  Leaders lead by taking faith risks

Take the Next Step

Contact ONA to learn more about church strengthening.

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